Automobile Insurance

Regardless of the type of vehicle you drive it is mandatory, by law, to have Automobile Insurance.

Automobile Insurance is compulsory by law, but coverage can vary widely depending on the limits of liability chosen. First of all, we can have what is commonly called full coverage, better known as comprehensive insurance. This policy covers damages to your vehicle whether or not you are responsible for the accident. It covers not only accidental damages but also damages as a result of fire and theft. The comprehensive policy also has a section for third party liability which protects you in the event of an accident for which you are liable and where persons may be injured or other vehicles damaged.

However, there can be a catch in third party liability insurance as sometimes persons buy very low limits of third-party protection and only find out to their dismay and financial challenge when there is an accident.

One of the key things in automobile insurance is to have a reasonably high level of third party coverage whether it is a comprehensive policy or full third party policy. P&P is willing to get you a quote for suitable automobile insurance. We can also negotiate fleet insurance if you have a large number of vehicles. If you have an accident, we have dedicated persons to assist you with the filing and negotiating of your automobile claims.